Ok, well, I've had several attempts at getting there that have not gone according to plan... but recently I decided to just make my plans and see how I go.
What set me off ( apart from the tickers on EVERYONES posts ) was a friend asked me to go to CHA ( the biggest scrapbooking trade fair anywhere) in January next year, which is held in Anaheim and then to go to DL with her and her family afterwards. I very seriously considered it but decided against it in the end because there was less and less Disney-ing in the discussions and more and more stuff that didn't feel like a holiday to me.
So... looooong story short, now that the bug has bitten, I need to go somewhere and HKDL might be the go, with the bonus being, it won't cost me as much, is closer and is a new place for me to explore.
So my question is... is it daft considering going over Chinese NY? I love the idea of being there for an event, and the crowds couldn't be worse than Summer vacation in the US on a weekend was ( and I didn't find that all that taxing anyway).
Does anyone know if there are closures on a big scale on the public holidays? or does everything continue but with a festival atmosphere?
Any 'must see/do' outside Disney?
I've spent most of my day researching but up to date stuff hasn't been easy to find.
Lisa. */