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Pleasure Island closing down?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:16 pm
by Mel
I read an article from the Orlando Sentinal saying that there were plans to shut down the whole of Pleasure Island by September 27 of THIS YEAR!!!! I can't believe they would even consider getting rid of the Adventurers Club. :( I was so looking forward to taking my husband to the AC :(

Re: Pleasure Island closing down?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:34 pm
by sandie
I can take or leave Pleasure Island. We went to the Adventurers Club last year and I've got to say it just grated on my nerves. Loud, obnoxious and a bit too silly. We love the comedy warehouse and I am all for silly humour - love the Hoop De Doo. Maybe I didn't drink enough Kungaloosh to make it funny!


Re: Pleasure Island closing down?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:38 pm
by calisota
I wasn't overly fussed either. It certainly wasn't what I was expecting and didn't have much of what I would call "a Disney feel" about the whole area.


Re: Pleasure Island closing down?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:28 pm
by KeithS
I can't believe they would even consider getting rid of the Adventurers Club. :( I was so looking forward to taking my husband to the AC :(
Yep - this was my great regret when we were in WDW in 2006. Gerard kept urging Della and myself to go to the AC while we were there, but we just never got the time. I always said "next time we'll make it to the AC" - now it'll never happen. I guess I can start reading the spoilers now to find out more about it!

Re: Pleasure Island closing down?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:47 pm
by churros
I guess I can start reading the spoilers now to find out more about it!
There are plenty of vidcasts and podcasts!

Re: Pleasure Island closing down?

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:10 am
by Mel
I'm surprised that a few of you didn't think much of it and even thought it was un-Disneyish! The first time I went - way back in 1997 - I was too young to partake in the Kungaloosh and still found it amazingly clever and funny. On later visits the Kungaloosh became a bit of a favourite drink and the AC was a must-see at least twice on each of my trips to WDW. I was even taken up on stage by Samantha Sterling when she heard my accent on one visit - and I've had other friends selected to be a part of some of the shows - a lot of fun!

I really hope they manage to preserve it in some way - even if they have to move it elsewhere in the World.

Re: Pleasure Island closing down?

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:41 pm
by sandie
I'm surprised that a few of you didn't think much of it and even thought it was un-Disneyish!
I think for me its the loud strident exagerated American accents. When you have been there for 7 weeks you are quite used to the accent and those just grated on me like when you hear an American trying to be an Australian in a movie. Plus Gerard had raved about it so much maybe I built it up too much. It also seemed the night we went that they were trying too hard to be funny. We were almost wetting ourselves in the Comedy Warehouse because the humour was smart and not silly - we had a skit where they interviewed John Lennon - after he had died. Very very funny.
