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Scammers use Disney as snare

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 3:53 pm
by calisota
Thought I'd reproduce this news story that I posted on the news page in case you missed it there.


Scammers use Disney as snare

QUEENSLANDERS have been warned about a US holiday scam which pressures victims to hand over their credit card details in exchange for a cheap but non-existent trip to Disney World.
Fair Trading Minister Margaret Keech said her office had received 20 complaints about the scheme in the past week.

The scammers, believed to be based in the US, tell victims they have won a holiday promotion to Disney World and Treasure Island in Florida for $698.

They claim to be representing the Summer Bay Holiday Resort and use high-pressure tactics to get credit card details before leaving the unsuspecting victims with no money and no holiday.

"I am concerned by the number of complaints received in such a short time period and the number of people who may have already been contacted and taken for a ride," Ms Keech said. "Consumers should be particularly wary of offers from other countries because once your money is outside Australia, Queensland and Australian laws can no longer protect you."

"Before responding to a promotion, ask yourself, 'can you win something you haven't entered?' "

Ms Keech said people should never give out personal details including credit card details for unsolicited promotions and offers.

People already caught by the scheme should contact their financial institution so their credit cards can be monitored for unauthorised use.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:47 am
by Lion711
yeah read about that in the paper the other day, Man people will try anything to make money. :(

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 3:33 pm
by calisota
Man people will try anything to make money. :(
And people will still give their credit card details to some stranger on the phone, and then say that they would never buy anything over the Net because it's not safe. :(
